Help! My baby HATES Tummy Time

Feb 26, 2024

HELP- My Baby Hates Tummy Time - Pediatric Physical Therapy PT

Fun, Creative, and Effective Tummy Time Exercises for Your Little One!

Are you struggling to help your baby to enjoy tummy time? Progressive Pediatric Therapy is here to show you many ways to make tummy time exercise playful and fun for you and your baby!

Try these simple yet effective tips – and remember: Back to sleep, Tummy to play, Do it every day!

Start Early

Begin these exercises the day you bring your baby home. Newborn babies can safely be on their stomach whenever they are awake. When babies start early, they quickly get used to the position and become stronger in their necks and backs. But tummy time doesn’t just have to happen on the floor. In fact, because your baby’s head is the heaviest part of their body when they are small, and they enjoy being held and cuddled, the floor is probably not the best place to start. Try some of these options instead that will help take the ‘weight off’ both you and your baby as they learn to lift their little heads. Once you get the idea, you will see that tummy time is easy and can happen anywhere and anytime!

Newborn Chest to Chest Snuggle

This comforting position provides a great opportunity for babies to get off their backs. Be sure to practice turning babies head to each side as they snuggle. It can be done sitting or in a reclining position. Soon your baby will begin to bob their head up and down and turn it themselves as they begin to practice using their neck muscles.

Pediatric Physical Therapy Torticollis Newborn Chest to Chest Snuggle Technique

Infant Breast/Bottle Feeding

Be sure to have baby nurse on both sides as much as possible, as a natural and routine way to actively turn their head to both sides. If bottle feeding, alternate which arm you hold your baby on and use the bottle to gently guide the baby to turn their head, once they have latched on. The muscles in the face and mouth are all connected to the neck muscles, so gently turning the head to either side while sucking can easily improve your baby’s neck strength and flexibility.
Pediatric Physical Therapy Torticollis Infant Breast Bottle Feeding Technique

Family Affair

Get siblings, pets, or caregivers involved. Having familiar faces around can turn tummy time into a delightful social activity. Raise up their chest slightly to encourage them to look up to see your face and smiles as you sing and talk to them.
Pediatric Physical Therapy Torticollis Family Affair Technique

Yoga Ball Fun

Gently place your baby on a yoga ball, supporting them securely with their hips lower than their shoulders. This not only strengthens their little muscles but also brings giggles and smiles. Try placing the ball in front of a mirror to help you see their precious smiles, then bring your face close to theirs on each side to help them turn to look for you in a fun peekaboo game.
Pediatric Physical Therapy Torticollis Yoga Ball Fun Technique

Lap Time

Waiting somewhere, watching TV? Lay your baby across your lap. It’s a comforting way for them to do tummy time while you’re relaxing, in a waiting room, at social events, etc.
Pediatric Physical Therapy Torticollis Lap Time Technique

Play ‘Airplane’

Safely hold your baby, belly down, in your arms and zoom around the room. It’s an adventure for them and a workout for you!
Pediatric Physical Therapy Torticollis Play Airplane Technique

Toy Circle

Create a circle of toys around your baby during tummy time. It encourages them to reach out, enhancing their motor skills.
Pediatric Physical Therapy Torticollis Toy Circle Technique

Babywearing Magic

When out shopping, going to an appointment, or for a walk, opt for babywearing and leave the car seat in the car. It’s great for posture and bonding, as well as more stimulating for your baby. When your baby gets older, turn them around so they can practice holding their head up and experience all the sights and sounds of the world around them!
Pediatric Physical Therapy Torticollis Babywearing Magic Technique

Elevated Surfaces/Sofa Adventures

Use wedges or an elevated surface for a different tummy time experience. Prop your baby over a couch cushion placed on the floor. It can be more engaging for your baby, as well as a cozy and secure way for them to enjoy tummy time. The soft arm of the sofa can be a perfect spot for your little one to enjoy tummy time. It’s soft and just the right size. Always keep a hand on their backs for safety as they start doing their baby pushups!
Pediatric Physical Therapy Torticollis Elevated Surfaces Sofa Adventures Technique

Eye-Level Interaction

Place a play mat on a table (with supervision, of course) so your baby is at eye level. Talk to them during this time; it’s great for bonding and development.
Pediatric Physical Therapy Torticollis Eye-Level Interaction Technique

Vertical Start

Begin with more vertical, inclined positions rather than flat on the floor. It can be more comfortable for some babies
Pediatric Physical Therapy Torticollis Vertical Start Technique

Maximize Awake Time

Try to use any awake time for a bit of tummy time. It’s all about making the most of these moments.

Gentle Support

If your baby struggles to hold their head up, gently prompt them under the chin. It’s a helpful nudge.

Tummy time can be a wonderful part of your baby’s day with these simple, playful activities. Remember, every little moment counts in their growth and development. Have fun and cherish these beautiful moments!


PPT is committed to empowering children and families through specialized Physical, Occupational, Speech, and Feeding Therapy. With a compassionate team of pediatric therapists, PPT focuses on providing individualized care, enhancing development, and fostering hope and happiness in a supportive environment.

Curious if your child could benefit from our services? Contact us for an evaluation. For more parenting tips and tricks, don’t forget to subscribe to our blog and YouTube channel. Share your own experiences in the comments below, or reach out if you have any questions!


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