Infant and Toddler Toy Recommendations

Infant and Toddler Toy Recommendations

Compiled and written by Brittni Barnes, OTR/L & Teresa Hans, OTR/L Ever wanted to know what toys therapists LOVE for different developmental stages? Progressive Pediatric Therapy staff have compiled a list for the different ages and stages to foster development!...
No Picky Eaters, November!

No Picky Eaters, November!

Written by: Regina De Canto, M.S CCC-SLP, Nicole Moes, M.S OTR/L, and Margie Avila, M.S CCC-SLP With holidays, like Hanukkah, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve, right around the corner, you might be finding yourself excited to eat your favorite traditional foods....
PPT4Kids to Partner with Non-Profit Holly Creek Star Center to Provide Hippotherapy

PPT4Kids to Partner with Non-Profit Holly Creek Star Center to Provide Hippotherapy

Progressive Pediatric Therapy is pleased to partner with Holly Creek STAR Center, Inc. to provide its Palm Beach County clients Hippotherapy services with licensed speech, occupational, and physical therapist. Founded by PPT4Kids’ Speech and Language...