With each new gross motor skill attained, children develop the ability to explore their environment in new ways. Environmental exploration is imperative to a child’s growth not only physically, but also socially, emotionally, and cognitively. All children develop at their own pace, so it is impossible to dictate the exact time/age that each skill should be developed by. In addition to the physical gross motor skills I have already outlined in prior posts, I have listed below a general guideline of other skills obtained by age two.
- Imitates behavior of other children and adults
- More aware of self as separate from others
- More excited about playing with other children
- Demonstrates increased independence
- Begins to show defiant behavior
- Separation anxiety increases midyear, then fades
- Finds objects even when hidden under something
- Begins to sort by shapes and colors
- Begins make-believe play
- Points to object or picture when it’s named for them
- Recognizes names of familiar people, objects, and body parts
- Says several single words (by 15 – 18 months)
- Uses simple phrases (by 18-24 months)
- Follows simple instructions
- Repeats words overheard in conversation
Fine Motor (hand/finger skills):
- Scribbles on own
- Draws vertical lines
- Turns over container to empty contents
- Stacks four to six cubes
- Turns three pages in book, one at a time
- Places objects into opening