How to Play with Your Neurodivergent Child: 8 Strategies to Help You Engage

Mar 11, 2024
How to Play with Your Neurodivergent Child- Therapy Strategies to Help You Engage

Embracing the Joy of Play Through Understanding and Adaptation

For over 10 years providing services in occupational and speech therapy at Progressive Pediatric Therapy, we have had the privilege of supporting many families on their journey through neurodiversity. A common question we encounter from parents is, “How can I play with my child in a way that’s both engaging and beneficial?” The heart of our multidisciplinary approach lies in understanding and valuing each child’s unique way of experiencing the world. Through this blog, we aim to share some strategies to help you connect with your child during play, fostering a nurturing and inclusive environment at home.

1. Follow Their Lead

Observing and participating in your child’s chosen activities can offer profound insights into their preferences and needs. Practice following their lead and validating their choices. 

2. Imitate Their Play

By copying how your child uses a toy or engages in an activity, you’re entering their world on their terms. This not only demonstrates your interest in their activities but also encourages social interaction and language development.

How to Play with Your Neurodivergent Child- Therapy Strategies to Help You Engage

3. Narrate and Label

Describing your child’s play as it happens can enrich their language skills and understanding. You can narrate their actions, label objects, or count out loud.

How to Play with Your Neurodivergent Child- Therapy Strategies to Help You Engage

4. Engage at Their Level

By getting down on the floor or lying down next to your child, you’re showing that you’re fully present and ready to engage in their world. This approach can make play more inviting and accessible for them.

How to Play with Your Neurodivergent Child- Strategies to Help You Engage2

5. Incorporate Music and Movement

Music is a universal language that resonates with many children, including those who are neurodivergent. Singing songs related to their play activities, such as “London Bridge Is Falling Down” when knocking blocks over, can add a delightful and educational layer to playtime. Songs with hand motions and those that encourage gross motor movements, like “We Are the Dinosaurs,” can enhance motor skills and engagement.

6. Use Toys to Enhance Stories and Songs

Toys can serve as props to bring stories and songs to life. Using farm animal puzzles to match the lyrics of “Old McDonald” or moving cars to the tune of “Wheels on the Bus” not only makes playtime fun but also aids in understanding sequences, following directions, and language acquisition.

How to Play with Your Neurodivergent Child- Therapy Strategies to Help You Engage

7. Model and Encourage Functional Play

While it’s important to validate your child’s version of play, gently introducing functional variations can broaden their play repertoire. For instance, if your child enjoys lining up toys, you might introduce imaginative play scenarios where these toys interact in new ways, fostering creativity and social skills.

8. Embrace Age-Appropriate Flexibility

The concept of “age-appropriate” toys is flexible. What matters most is the engagement and learning opportunities a toy provides. A musical bus, for example, might not be traditionally suitable for a child’s age but can offer invaluable language and sensory experiences.


Playing with your neurodivergent child offers a precious opportunity to bond, learn, and grow together. By embracing their perspective, engaging at their level, and incorporating educational strategies into play, you’re not just playing—you’re building a foundation of understanding, acceptance, and love. At Progressive Pediatric Therapy, we believe in the power of play as a pathway to learning and connection. May these strategies inspire moments of joy and discovery for you and your child, as you navigate the beautiful journey of neurodiversity together. Remember, every child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. The key is to be patient, observant, and responsive to your child’s cues. Through play, we can build bridges to understanding and celebrating the diverse ways in which our children experience the world.

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PPT is committed to empowering children and families through specialized Physical, Occupational, Speech, and Feeding Therapy. With a compassionate team of pediatric therapists, PPT focuses on providing individualized care, enhancing development, and fostering hope and happiness in a supportive environment.

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