Early Intervention


Child Playing with Blocks

Is your toddler reaching his or her milestones?

In early intervention, therapists promote the function and engagement of infants and toddlers, and their families, in everyday routines. The team works to enhance a family’s capacity to care for their child and promote his or her development and participation in natural environments where the child and family live, work, and play.

Early Intervention (EI) services and supports are typically provided to children under the age of 3 years, and their families. If your child is not meeting his/her developmental milestones Early Intervention is key! It ideally begins as soon as there is any suspicion of developmental delay, as much can be done to get a child back onto a typical developmental track.

Progressive Pediatric Therapy offers in-home and clinic-based therapy programs for children focused on building functional communication, social, self-help, and play skills.

